Monday, December 15, 2008

Free WoW Leveling Tips

Interested in some quick, easy, and free WoW leveling tips? I thought so, here are some quick tips that can help you level faster and make playing the game much more efficient.

1. Keep large bags, keeping larger bags will prevent you needing to go back and vendor as often.
2. Always logout from an inn...the rested XP is great.
3. Use the autoprofit add-on, automatically sells all of your junk to a vendor with one click.
4. Use ammognome addon for hunters, keeps you always stocked with ammo so you don't run out while questing.
5. Don't waste time in AH, you can always create an alt and do AH stuff, you can also mail your alt items you want to save for later so you don't have to find a bank all the time.

I'll be adding more tips every so often so be sure to check back for more free tips. Also check out my Squidoo page for more free tips.

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